Music industry with Luke

Music industry with Luke

Luke talked about some tips for the production of our video since he will take a large part in helping us achieve our perfect music video.
  • How to set up a music video:
  • From 9am to 3pm
  • You can make a couple of different sets in the studio at the same time.
  • Give the video a mood
  • Change the video midway 
  • Have a colour palette 
  • Don't do a well-known song 
  • We can use a separate location outside of the studio but use it wisely. 
  • Involve performance and make it as interesting as you can.
  • This is a new band who probably don't have a high budget.
  • Do something easily understandable 
  • Be original and use models wisely 
  • Use at least 3 different scenarios (band playing + somewhat story + and extra shots)

How music video commissioning works

Is a website for anyone who wishes to put themselves out there as musicians. It makes sure to support you and have a good start + have a good time working with a great team with reputation.

Is a site with aaaall the updates you need to know about currently in the music industry, you can publish your own work and get real feedback, communicate with other artist and many more. It also helps artists to get recognized by larger industries.  It's almost like a personal music social media.


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