Digipack design and feedback

My Physical Digipak.

I made two drawn drafts of the digipak but with similar ideas. I mainly focused on the album covers rather than other parts. me and my group decided to name the album "The scheme" and temporarily named the band "Agate" which is a crystal. I wanted to layer the band members together in a creative way.

My Digital Digipak

Since this is our band’s first album, I would like to feature them in the cover or somewhere noticeable on the album.
For the style, I would like to interpret some 90s’ patterns and largely focus on the use of triangles to connect it with the music video. I will also use the same colours which we used in our music video (orange, bright blue, almost magenta and bright green)
I think this colour scheme on a white background would identify indie genre very well as well as the minimalism of it.
Our target audience is from 15-20 years old, so if they see young attractive boys on the cover, they are likely to be interested in buying this album.

Feedback on my draft
What works?
The geometry of the inside and the CD fits well together. Coloured faces in the size order also work well. My group enjoyed the minimalism
What does not work?
The inverted colours on the front cover don’t work, particularly their colour shade which can potentially be changed. The order of the band needs rethinking (should the lead singer be at the front or the biggest at the back as a leader). The triangles on the back cover are too neat to fit with the rest of the album so placing them around could be an option to fix it.
Have the members of your group used any similar ideas?
Soura’s and mine designs had a very similar use of shapes and base colours. I didn’t have anything similar to Hugo’s digipack.
Is the genre and ideology of your band/artist apparent?
The minimalism of my digipak identifies the indie genre as well as the use of popy 90’s colours and
the stylization.


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