Opening, tittle & sequence
American Psycho (thriller)

After that we see different long almost like strings of red liquid being splashed everywhere. Titles keep running and we see a hand swing a knife across the screen. We hear calm music in the background, this may confuse the audience since everything that is happening is creating a disturbing atmosphere, so seeing that along with calm music is a bit strange.
We hear a very sharp noise of chopping something along with someone's hand which is cutting a piece of meat. We also see berries drop the same way as the “blood” drops, and we are revealed to an expensive plate of really nice looking meat being served on a table, the music changes to slightly more happy/playful. The camera pans across the table and we see a lot of delicate food and decorations. In the mes en scene we see that this is a restaurant which is quite popular and expensive due to the way, waitresses describe food, and the way everybody is dressed. The sequence then cuts to 4 men at one particular table, they are discussing different people in the room. One man speaks very specific about different subjects so he is being picked on, giving us a sign that he might be the main character. The camera cuts to the waitress tray and we see 4 credit cards being thrown on it.
The sequence cuts.
Lord of war (war/action)
The camera starts at a high angle then drops down to waste level, this gives the audience a view of a factory and workers with different machinery. The lighting in the factory is dark which shows how sinister the birth of a bullet. The props that were used were guns which relates to the title 'Lord of War'. The costumes fit the factory, so people wearing aprons and working clothes etc., the costumes also help us realise that the bullet is being transferred from one country to another. During the whole sequence we hear a relatively positive song playing along which doesn't fit with what is happening around.
After the creation of the bullet the camera turns to be attached to the bullet in front of it, showing all the movements in the factory, it is now a first point of view from the bullet. So we become the bullet and we are able to see the journey of how it is made and shipped out. The camera remains first person throughout the whole sequence. The bullet was spinning around until it's picked up just before falling off the dock. Then it is picked up again, a thumb and a finger appear on both sides of the camera making it realistic as if the camera was an actual bullet being picked up. The sequence ends with a guy getting shot by the bullet that we watched getting made, that scene is very graphic and shot in slow motion. It shows the harshness of the world that we live in at the moment.
Insidious (horror)
In the beginning, we see a couple of the text of the Production companies for the film. Then, we see the director's name “Tames Wann” on a white ball shaped lamp which fades into the next shot that shows a young boy sleeping in his bed. All the sounds fit the surroundings and build up tension.
Throughout this title sequence we see a young boy who is wearing pyjamas since it's nighttime. We also see a silhouette of a woman holding a candle who shortly after disappears. When the close up of the woman is shown, we see her pale skin, rotten teeth and wrinkles which show her age. It leads us with a pan through the whole house. Lightning throughout the sequence is always shown as dark and dim, symbolising that there is something mysterious and scary in this house. Some parts of the house are darker than others, showing that maybe there will be something important happening later on in the movie in those places.
We then see the title of the film on which we see more shadows. During this they show the names of the actors in the film.
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